Flight Safety Foundation CFIT Checklist
Flight Safety Foundation (FSF) designed this controlled-flight-into-terrain
(CFIT) risk-assessment safety tool as part of its international program to reduce
CFIT accidents, which present the greatest risks to aircraft, crews and passengers.
The FSF CFIT Checklist is likely to undergo further developments, but the
Foundation believes that the checklist is sufficiently developed to warrant
distribution to the worldwide aviation community.
Use the checklist to evaluate specific flight operations and to enhance pilot
awareness of the CFIT risk. The checklist is divided into three parts. In each part,
numerical values are assigned to a variety of factors that the pilot/operator
will use to score his/her own situation and to calculate a numerical total.
Evaluate the Risk and Take Action
In Part I: CFIT Risk Assessment, the level of CFIT risk is calculated for
each flight, sector or leg.
In Part II: CFIT Risk-reduction Factors, Company Culture, Flight Standards,
Hazard Awareness and Training, and Aircraft Equipment are factors, which are
calculated in separate sections.
In Part III: Your CFIT Risk, the totals of the four sections in Part II are
combined into a single value (a positive number) and compared with the
total (a negative number) in Part l: CFIT Risk Assessment to determine
your CFIT Risk Score. To score the checklist, use a nonpermanent marker
(do not use a ball-point pen or pencil) and erase with a soft cloth.
Note: Please see Appendix 1 of the PDF version of this document for
the CFIT Checklist described above.