Online Resource - Resources for Pilots

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Below is a list of online resources available in the Airspace category. The FAA is not responsible for the contents of the non-government sites listed. The list is provided only as a convenience to the users of this site. Click here to return to the category list

AIS, Aeronautical Information Services (Formerly NACO)
Aeronautical Information Services is the FAA's civil aviation authority providing the foundations for flight in the national airspace system.
AIS, Digital Terminal Procedures Publication
This page provides a portal for searching, viewing, and downloading all the US Terminal Procedure Publications (TPPs), which are available in PDF format files.
Aviators Model Code of Conduct
This site provides suggested practices for general aviation pilots to advance flight safety, airmanship and the general aviation community.
FAA Safety Briefing Magazine
The FAA Safety Policy Voice of Non-commercial General Aviation
Instrument Procedures Handbook
FAA-H-8261-1A Instrument Procedures Handbook. This handbook provides the most up-to-date guidance on how to operate safely within the National Airspace System.
New York City Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) Kneeboard Aid
Kneeboard Quick Reference for the New York Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) includes important frequencies to be used during operations in this congested airspace.
This site provides online VFR chart depictions and weather information.
Special Use Airspace
This link goes to FAA's SUA information page.
TFRs - Graphical Interface (FAA)
This link goes to the FAA's new graphic site on Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs). It includes links to TFR maps and plain English text.