Proper Preflight
Use the correct amount and grade of aviation gasoline. Never use auto gas or
jet fuel in aircraft piston engines.
Use the correct grade and amount of oil in your engine. Generally, engines use
SAE 50 above 40 degrees Fahrenheit; and SAE 30 or 10W30 below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
In cold weather make sure that the engine oil is sufficiently warm before
starting the engine. Below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, use a heated hangar or preheat.
Drain the fuel sumps to assure there is no water or foreign matter in the fuel system.
Make certain cooling air inlets are open and free of foreign objects (bird's nests, etc.)
Ensure that the oil cap and dipstick are properly secured.
Check for obvious oil and fuel leaks.
Starting and Warm-Up
In normal and hot weather:
Little or no priming is necessary.
Make runups thorough, but as brief as possible. To minimize spark plug fouling,
idle engine at 1000 to 1200 rpm.
Avoid overheating by keeping ground operations to a minimum. Park and complete
runup into the wind.
Cowl flaps should be open for all ground operations.
In cold weather:
Make sure magnetos and master switch are "off," then rotate propeller by
hand about six revolutions before attempting to start engine.
Prime engine as recommended in the Pilot's Operating Handbook. Avoid over priming.
Oil pressure should be in the green arc range within 60 seconds. If it is not,
shut down and investigate.
Operate engine at 1000 rpm until oil pressure is in the green arc range and steady.
Fluctuating oil pressure means that cavitation is occurring. Shut down and use
additional preheat.
If equipped with a constant speed propeller, cycle it several times to fill the
propeller hub with warm oil. (Refer to your Pilot's Operating Handbook
for specifics.)
Take-off and Climb
Follow your checklist.
Use full throttle (with few exceptions).
Mixture full rich, except at high density altitude airports where you should lean
as appropriate. (Refer to your Pilot's Operating Handbook for specifics.)
Use 75 percent power for climb.
Climb at higher than normal airspeeds on hot days to improve engine cooling.
Lean the mixture during climb to the specified fuel flow or for smooth operation
above a density altitude of 5000 feet.
Set 65 to 75 percent power for best performance.
Set 55 percent power for best economy and range.
Lean the engine in accordance with the instructions in the
Pilot's Operating Handbook for your specific aircraft.
Descent and Landing
Avoid overcooling. Maintain sufficient power to keep engine temperatures in the
green arc range.
Gradually enrichen the mixture for smooth engine operations as you descend.
Keep cowl flaps closed.
Set mixture to full rich before landing, unless you are landing at a high density altitude
airport. For operation into and out of high altitude airports, consult the
Pilot's Operating Handbook for your specific aircraft.
Use of Carburetor Heat
Carburetor heat should be used whenever atmospheric conditions indicate that icing is a
possibility, and when the engine is operated at or below 75 percent power.
When using carburetor heat, always use full heat.
After applying carburetor heat, lean the mixture for smooth operation.
The warm intake air is less dense, and produces a richer mixture.
Follow the Pilot's Operating Handbook procedures for your specific aircraft, and
"know'em cold."
Comply with all engine and airframe manufacturer service bulletins, letters, etc.
Use your checklist.