Estimating Flight Visibility
How do you determine flight visibility when coming out of the clouds on an approach? If
the approach has a lighting system, there are a number of clues in the system itself.
- Decision bar. Every approach lighting system has a "decision bar"
located 1,000 feet from the runway threshold. These lights (or bar) are perpendicular
to the approach lighting system.
- "Rabbit." There is another 1,000 foot clue in the sequenced flashing
lights, known to pilots as the "rabbit." The sequenced flashing lights stop
at the decision bar.
If you are at the middle marker (MM) and you cannot see the runway threshold, look for the
decision bar. Assume that you spot the decision bar. If you know that the MM is six tenths
of a nautical mile (0.6) from the threshold, then you have 3,650 feet from the runway.
Subtract the 1,000 feet from the threshold, which you cannot see, to the decision bar, which
you have spotted, and that leave 2,650 feet -- just under 1/2 mile. If the minimum
visibility for this approach is 1/2 mile, then you have the required visibility.
Other Information Sources
- CFIT Advisory Circular ( . .9FE4D96586256D04006F2065?OpenDocument)