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Aviation Learning Center Document All About Fuel - P-8740-35
Author: Federal Aviation Administration Date: 2002
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Placards - Type of Fuel
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Be sure you get the type of fuel that is specified for your aircraft. Federal regulations require that all aircraft filler openings must be marked with the word "fuel" and the minimum fuel grade for reciprocating powered aircraft, or the permissible fuel designation for turbine-powered aircraft. Even these requirements do not rule out the possibility of being serviced with the wrong type of fuel. Pilots should be particularly cautious when being serviced at facilities that provide turbine fuel as well as avgas. Turbine or jet fuel is detrimental to the reciprocating engine and extended use of avgas can damage turbine engines. Therefore, it is imperative for flight crews to double check when their aircraft is serviced to assure that they receive the proper type and grade of fuel. Although this responsibility is placed upon the pilot by regulation it just makes good sense to be sure. The fuel system sumps should always be drained and checked for contaminants after each fueling of the aircraft and during preflight inspection.

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