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Aviation Learning Center Document Meet Your Aircraft P-8740-29
Author: FAA Date: 1995
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Aircraft Knowledge
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After reviewing the General section of the AFM or POH, the Aircraft Systems portion is probably the best area to start serious study. If you start in another section, you may encounter terms that you are not familiar with if you have not studied the various systems first. This is particularly true of the more complex and turbine-powered aircraft. Aircraft systems include not only the engine, fuel, electrical, landing gear, control, and hydraulic systems, but the avionics systems as well.

With today's rapid changes in avionics systems, a pilot must be very familiar with the newer equipment and how it is operated. This is especially important when flying in different aircraft that have different avionics packages. Pilots need to be aware that the new GPS and older LORAN-C receivers can have different control functions, programming, data displays, and operating procedures. Because each GPS or LORAN-C system is unique, the time to learn how to operate the system is when you are on the ground - not while you are in flight!

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