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FAASTeam Notice
Type: FAA Charting Information
Notice Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Notice Number: NOTC3088
NEW - Changes to Wind Turbine Farms on the VFR Sectional Chart
This notice expired on
Thursday, August 1, 2024

New VFR Charting Changes for Wind Turbines Take Effect in August

Effective on or about August 10, 2023, the FAA’s Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) Visual Charting Team will begin implementing charting enhancements to Sectional Aeronautical Charts, VFR Terminal Area Charts, and Helicopter Route Charts to more clearly depict the location of wind turbine farms. This change will also be published in the Aeronautical Chart User’s Guide at

The VFR charting changes will:

  1. Replace the current dashed line border with a dotted line border (aviation blue) for easier identification of the boundaries of the wind turbine farm.
  2. Add 45-degree (diagonal) cross-hatching lines within all wind turbine farms for increased conspicuity.
  3. Revise the masked elevation box to include a white background and include the mean sea level (MSL) elevation figure of the highest obstruction (wind turbine rotating blade tip at the 12 o’clock position) within the wind turbine farm. The letters UC are added to depict a wind turbine farm Under Construction.

Pilots are reminded that wind turbine blades and/or blade tips are not lighted. Wind turbine obstruction lights are located on top of the nacelle (generator) at the hub of wind turbines, which in some cases can be 200-300 feet below the rotating blade tips. In accordance with 14 CFR section 91.119, pilots must maintain the appropriate separation (laterally and/or vertically) from wind turbines. Additionally, pilots are reminded to check for other obstacles, such as antenna towers, that may be taller than the turbines located within (or adjacent to) the wind turbine farm. Finally, pilots are reminded of the basic VFR weather minimums contained in 14 CFR section 91.155 and that some wind turbines may significantly exceed 499 feet above ground level (AGL) and extend into Class E airspace (700 feet AGL floor and greater).

This Notice can be printed for public posting and increased local dissemination at:

Contact: Questions or comments regarding this Notice should be directed to the Flight Technologies and Procedures Division at  with Subject Line: Wind Turbines.