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FAASTeam Notice
Type: Local Air Safety Information
Notice Date: Friday, December 30, 2022
Notice Number: NOTC2768
Flying in Alaska
This notice expired on

Flying in Alaska

Special Considerations

It has been said, there is nothing like flying in Alaska.  There is a lot of truth in that statement.  While Alaska offers a pilot unparalleled beauty, it also offers a very complex aviation environment in which to navigate.  The challenges vary from the complex airspace around Anchorage to the vast, unpopulated areas that allow a pilot to operate in Class G airspace.  Flying safely in Alaska requires thorough planning and special attention to detail.

When preparing for a flight adventure, a pilot will consider such things as airspace, his or her capabilities, the weather, and status of the aircraft.  In other words, a prepared pilot will have all available information concerning his or her planned flight. 

It is important to remember, as part of this planning, that a pilot should consider the flight environment along the route of flight.  This, of course, will vary depending on the terrain and the altitude at which the flight will be flown.  A pilot should study the route of flight to determine what obstructions may lay along the flight path.  Ask yourself, are there mountain ranges to cross or man-made obstacles along the route?  It is important to remember that not all towers, power lines, catenary lines (cables), etc. are marked and/or lighted.  If these obstacles are not over 200 above ground level (AGL) and/or close to an airport, it is very likely that they will NOT be lighted, marked, or NOTED on a sectional chart.  If you are planning to fly low over terrain, it is very important to be aware of these hazards and to plan accordingly.  You might consider flying the route at a higher altitude to avoid such obstacles.  You may want to discuss your route of flight with an experienced, prudent pilot that is familiar with the area or perhaps fly the route with them before you venture out on your own.  If you would like to learn more about the evaluation of man-made obstacles, please review 14 CFR Part 77.

eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 77 -- Safe, Efficient Use, and Preservation of the Navigable Airspace

The most important aspect of a flight is safety.  A well planned flight flown with safety in mind, will be a source of wonderful memories. 

Safe flying, happy memories.

The FAASTeam, Kyle Weinzirl