The Instructor Portal is the place for instructors to validate WINGS credits! Instructors do not have to log in first; just click the link below to get started.
By virtue of holding instructor privileges, any instructor can validate or give immediate WINGS credits through this portal.
Renew your CFI by giving WINGS training. Here’s how:
- (1) Hold a flight instructor certificate that has not expired.
- (2) Hold a current phase of WINGS (at any level) at the time of application.
- (3) Have evaluated at least 15 WINGS-accredited flight credits (any level) during which the CFI evaluates at least five different pilots, and make appropriate endorsements in the logbook of each pilot for each activity.
- (4) Apply to the FAA – see AC 61-91J.
Instructor Tools
List of Credits Validated
This page presents a list of all credits “Completed” or “Requested Not Validated”
by the logged in instructor.Instructors may view and print this validation history to demonstrate their participation in the program.
They may present this documentation to substantiate the requirements for Flight Instructor renewal in accordance with
AC 61-91J .
This report also indicates whether they conducted the activity, or validated it for another instructor.
Authorized users also have the ability to search and view credits validated by any instructor.
Activity Validation - Give Credit
The Give Credit capability is used by a certificated instructor to give an airman credit for their flight activity. Although strongly
recommended, the instructor does not need an account on to use this system to give credit. The instructor simply provides
their name and certificate number, along with a telephone number in case we have a question about the credit being given. Remember that the
airman to whom credit is being given must have a standard account with an email address or a special account created
using the procedure above.
Print Checklist
This link takes you to a page that permits a CFI to view or print the WINGS Checklist for a pilot. You must hold an instructor certificate or an instructor privilege to use this feature. The pilot must give you his or her email address to print their Checklist.