CFI Credits Validated

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Instructors may view and print this validation history to demonstrate their participation in the program by clicking the PDF icon below. The PDF report indicates the specific credits that you validated and whether you conducted the activity or validated it for another instructor. Instructors may present this documentation to verify the requirements for Flight Instructor renewal in accordance with AC 61-91J as revised.

Renew your CFI by giving WINGS training. Here’s how:

  • (1) Hold a flight instructor certificate that has not expired.
  • (2) Hold a current phase of WINGS (at any level) at the time of application.
  • (3) Have evaluated at least 15 WINGS-accredited flight credits (any level) during which the CFI evaluates at least five different pilots, and make appropriate endorsements in the logbook of each pilot for each activity.
  • (4) Apply to the FAA – see AC 61-91J.(Include a copy of this PDF report with your application)
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