Online AMT Resources - Resources for Mechanics

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Below is a list of online resources available in the Guidance, Standards, Regulations category. The FAA is not responsible for the contents of the non-government sites listed. The list is provided only as a convenience to the users of this site. Click here to return to the category list

Airworthiness - Continued Operational Safety
This page contains links to FAA web pages on continued airworthiness.
Aviation Mechanics Bulletin
Aviation Mechanics Bulletin supplements the technician’s training and manuals by featuring a specific aspect of maintenance in each issue.
Dynamic Regulatory System(FAA)
DRS consolidates information provided by various Services and Offices
FAA Inspector's Handbook
This link goes to the FAA Inspector's Handbook, Order 8900.1
FAA Mechanics Information Website
FAA website designed with the mechanic in mind. Find additional resources for all AMTs.
FAA Safety Briefing Magazine
The FAA Safety Policy Voice of Non-commercial General Aviation
Field Approvals
This link goes to FAA's web pages on field approvals.
Information Alerts for Operators (InFO) - FAA
An Information for Operators (InFO) message contains information to help operators meet administrative or certain regulatory requirements with relatively low urgency or impact on safety.
Practical Test Standards (menu)
This page provides links to FAA Practical Test Standards (PTS) documents.
Safety Alerts for Operators (SAFO) - FAA
A Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO) is an information tool that alerts, educates, and makes recommendations to the aviation community. The information and recommendations are often time critical.
Safety Management Systems (AC)
This link goes to FAA Advisory Circular 120-92, which introduces the safety management system (SMS) concept.
Service Difficulty Reporting
This link goes to the FAA's SDR reporting page.
Special Airworthiness Information Bulletins
This link goes to FAA's page of special airworthiness information bulletins (SAIB).
Standard Airworthiness Certificate
This link goes to FAA's web pages on standard airworthiness certificates.