CFI Additional Rating - Instrument
1 Credit for Basic Flight Topic 1
1 Credit for Basic Flight Topic 2
1 Credit for Basic Flight Topic 3
1 Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 1
1 Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 2
1 Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 3
Advanced WINGS
1 Credit for Advanced Flight Topic 1
1 Credit for Advanced Flight Topic 2
1 Credit for Advanced Knowledge Topic 1
1 Credit for Advanced Knowledge Topic 2
Activity Number:
APT-CFI Additional Rating - Instrument
Takeoffs, Climbs, Approaches, Landings, Go-Arounds - WINGS
Positive Aircraft Control, including Loss of Control Issues
Aeronautical Decision Making, including Runway Safety Issues
Basic Flying Skills
Performance and Limitations, including Loss of Control Issues
Primary Accident Causal Factors - Category/Class Specific
Additional Accident Causal Factors - Category/Class Specific
Accident Causal Factors - Pre-Flight Planning
Elective Subjects for Activities/Events/Seminars
Preflight Planning, Risk Management, and Fuel Management
Provided by:
Aeronautical Proficiency Training

This Accredited Activity is available to all airmen.

Satisfactory completion of a Practical Test for the initial issuance of an CFI Instrument Rating within the last year meets the requirements for the Basic Level of the WINGS - Pilot Proficiency Program.

Click HERE for access to related ACS or PTS

Flight Instructors and airmen can find additional information in 

FAA-H-8083-25, Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge,

FAA-H-8083-3C Airplane Flying Handbook

FAA-H-8082-21B Helicopter Flying Handbook

FAA-H-8083-15B Instrument Flying Handbook

FAA-H-8083-9B Instructor's Handbook